Titoo MBA The Movie English Sub Download a person who considers himself an MBA degree (married but single).n an ordinary boy from Chandigarh who dreams of becoming a professional.y no longer wants to study, and has a job with a salary of 500 rupees. And now he is frantically trying to find money to continue his studies and enter Manipal University. But he is not up to studying, because he is faced with terrible difficulties. His father lives with a farmer whose wife, thinking she can cope with the hardships of life with three children, has a regular working income and has saved up some money for her son's down payment. A man (thinking he will be able to deal with all the difficulties with 3 children) has only 10 rupees a day, so he cannot afford to pay for at least one month of his son's education. n connects all relatives, acquaintances, fellow villagers to Chandigihar, and they lend money against a receipt in order to accumulate the required amount. At first, he even gets help from the restaurant (at least some), and then friends in the countryside begin to help, and says that everyone has a house (home) in Changdigarh. But this is all and is limited. As a result, the boss comes to the aid of my boy. He says that if he wants to study at Manipur university, he will pay for all the textbooks for several years, and even if he lives with him while he studies. And friends throw money, just need to collect money. These few years and 500 rupees a day seem to the moo-boy for years (in his imagination, his life turns into eternal 596 rupees) until he is left without a home in Chansdigarh (and without money). On reflection, he still thinks that he should shift the responsibility to someone and believes that he can actually earn more money if, while living with his boss, he takes on the MBA function and that no one can ask (more precisely, he will ask, but no one will give). And this is where mambo comes into play. 8. The boy realizes that his dreams of an MBA turned out to be an illusion (even if they give him an 11th MBA), he realizes what a fool he turned out to be (ex-MBA, huh), but now he is afraid to tell someone that he is a fool, and it is unlikely that anyone will feel better if he continues to think about life and about himself. 9 3e8ec1a487
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